Reporting results

Reporting results is extremely easy.

PRE: Click on Team admin > Birdiefire services > Live scoring events > get a live scoring token



Screen 1:  Fill in the information on this screen.  Your goal is to turn the red buttons green on the left side of the screen.

Screen 2:  

Setup course



Screen 3. Since you're not doing live scoring click on the yellow bar to skip live scoring setup


Screen 4 

Add teams


Screen 5

Add lineup or use lineup placeholders (when you don't have a lineup from coaches)



Screen 6

Drag and drop players to players into their lineup spots


Screen 7

Lock in lineup and repeat for screen 6 and 7 for each additional team


Screen 8

Lock in Team order

Screen 9

Verify scores after the round


Screen 10

Enter scores and click verified



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